Since the Ascendant is an area of energy manifestation, conditions and environment provide an ideal outlet for events and issues associated with this natal house. Personally, I only interpret SR charts if I see them with the natal chart. The 8th house is the house of acute awareness of emotional forces and psychological powers. If you enjoyed this post, subscribe now and get my new posts by email. I will have to pay more on insurences . Start counting those fingers if you dont believe me. Typical events include, but are not limited to: relocating to another state or country; quitting work; retiring; becoming a full-time student; having your first child; returning to a career after years at home; separating or divorcing a partner; or leaving your parents home to live alone in your first apartment. See the book "Predictive Astrology" on how to interpret solar returns. This year you may focus your learning on taboo subjects. Mental stress can result. They are, however, often very descriptive (literally so) about a person you may meet, or a partnership you may enter into or an issue in an existing partnership and that can often manifest in an obvious way. Placements in the Solar Return Eighth House are almost always feared because of their death and taxes associations but this house is not about fear its about change and how you deal with it. Look in the mirror and what do you see? June 2016 Learning to empathize increases your sensitivity as well as your connection. July 2017 However, because Solar Returns generate a temporary chart - only lasting for one year - interpreting the house positions of your planets in Solar Returns will be different from the meanings you will be familiar with from your Natal Chart. The idea was that I might be at some other spot on the planet at that exact moment and by traveling on my Solar Return birthday to somewhere else, it would change the position of the houses within my Solar Return Chart. I didnt feel that Id partner up with anyone on a definitive long-term commitment basis, which made me wonder how the year would go. This may involve artistic creation if you are so inclined, however creativity also applies to almost every other field of human endeavour so if you have a love of science, sewing, sport or sex, an emphasis on your Solar Return Fifth House may prompt you to take a risk and try something new, engage more with the thing you love, have more fun doing it and boost your confidence at the same time. Take heart, fearful ones, because heres how it manifested for me. January 2023 Family matters are found in the SR Fourth house and, as we know, there is nothing like family to stir up the emotions which they will do in this house. I have heard dire warnings from astrologers to consider traveling just to make certain that my Solar Return Sun was either in the Seventh House of relationships and partnerships or in the Ninth House of education and travel. The trick is to get the price right not too much and not too little. In three years' time, when the Sun has, This is a good time to organize and assimilate information you have collected. - Venus aspect Mars. By ASTROFIX Houses Neptune Through the Houses F inal fantasy. December 2017 Though my birthday is March 3rd, my solar return usually takes place on March 2nd. This is due to Jupiter casting its special aspect to the 4th house of home, and the 12th house of foreign/far off places. It reminds you that you need other people to help you to succeed in negotiating your way through life. Thanks for letting me know that good changes can happen with an 8th House Solar Sun. Those resources, financial or otherwise, enable your needs to be met or not. February 2018 Changes that occur with the Sun in this house are anxiety-producing but not necessarily difficult. You may feel the desire to study something new, or improve the way you do your present work. Insights gained from physical sensitivity to the bodys needs and its balance are integrated with factual data, learned responses, beliefs, and intuition to formulate a supportive health regimen.. For Solar Return - the most promising aspects for meeting soulmate or someone "special" are these (you should have 2 or more! If youd like to check my Solar chart, my Natal data is: June 7, 1951, Burbank, CA 9:50 am PDT. It sounds very eleventh house to me. These are two important areas for feedback on practical applications. It is hard to predict a death in the family, but after studying this years chart, my Solar 8th house is in Taurus, Venus in the 9th. That might be the neighborhood, that might be something about a particular group they fall into--artists' community or queer community or disabled community, for instance--or, in some cases, they see themselves as a community servant, like someone I know who's started a non-profit to serve at risk youth and directed a couple of others. Seeing everyones retirement accounts drop and how people who planned to retire soon had to change their plans, I rethought how I look at retirement and realized that I probably never will. November 2022 The 6th house emphasis on practical application and testing information lays, The 3rd house rules factual data as well as superficial information without an immediate and obvious purpose . Friends, the future, hopes and wishes, social contacts, social media, technology and invention, freedom, ideals and good fortune. January 2018 Astrologers use the term " PLUTO IN THE 8TH HOUSE of Solar Return " to describe a particular Astrological Reading technique of observing the moving planets forward in YEARLY BASIS. Money will come in and there will also be outgoings with greater frequency compared to other moments in your life. The key words for this placement are "To thine own self be true." Also read. How do you interpret aspects in a solar return chart, and is part of the analysis of a solar return chart comparing it to the natal chart? Changes in appearance or the start of something new often accompany Solar Return First House placements. What makes an Eighth House Solar Return Sun so terrifying? The Seventh House in Astrology is known as the House of Partnership and Marriage You can see how you are designed for lasting love by looking. It is common for individuals with an 8th house Sun to change their lifestyle completely during this year. 28/04/2016 Jessica Davidson. Sun, Mars, mercury, and Venus are all there, all inner planets, so this transformation must be very overt, I'm thinking? Instead, Ill take mini-retirements and have fun along the way instead of deferring life to when Im oldest. Does this mean what I think it means? August 2013 I don't "play" sex. The 6th house can also provide support for 3rd house problem-solving tasks. So, its here you will find your parents (some astrologers place your parents in the 4th and 10th houses, I find the 4th is more representative of them both). These are transformational issues and you only need to experience them once for your life to change forever there is no turning back. October 2021 Not your standard family holiday type of travel but a journey to somewhere that you consider alien, unfamiliar and more challenging to you than your more usual destinations. The choice is yours and this brings me onto the inner secret of the Solar Return Second House. Who you are, what youve got, youve got opinions, you know where youre from, what you like, how to look after yourself, how to relate and pay your way. Not just transformation, but regeneration. Factual and practical data becomes integrated with emotional insights to form spiritual understanding. In my experience, The Solar Return Fourth House is very directly to do with all matters relating to the home and family as they are in the here and now. However, the face you present to the world is for the duration of one year only. I thought I was going to win the lottery! Well, when Saturn is present in the eighth house, it may mean a terrible death. You may experience a pressing need to write or communicate and make new contacts and this may be for external, social reasons or as a result of internal, mental pressure. They increase your ability to empower yourself. Bars? I hear you ask. Most of my dealings with secrets overlap into the other Eighth House issues I had. Its where you are asked to get your house in order, to become more organised and efficient because there may be issues in your life that could become a problem if you dont pay attention to them and that may include health issues and lifestyle choices you should be paying attention to. When many of us think about creativity, the tendency is to assume the concept refers only to artistic creativity. September 2022 July 2018 I would have had to travel out of the country to have made any difference with an Eighth House Sun, and it would have adversely affected a lovely stellium (a whole bunch) of planets in my Seventh House of relationships. - Its house placement in the Solar Return shows how that function can work out. View all posts by starcrazypie. So, yes, an Eighth House Solar Return Sun brought big changesgood changesinto my life. You will both leave home and find new homes in the Solar Return Fourth House as this covers all things relating to your living and domestic situation and that includes people living in your home and its state of repair or decor. So, the Solar Return Second House is about your income and any changes you may experience in your finances. I think one of the best ways of describing the Solar Return Eighth House is as follows: it is transactional. Venus in House Eight. September 2014 In any Solar Return year, a tenanted fourth house brings all issues to do with home, family, belonging and your sense of stability to the fore. July 2016 The changes made me look as I had maybe fifteen years ago, back when I had had no appreciation for my appearance because most of the people in my life spent their time pointing out my flaws. You are using an out of date browser. It begets a sometimes relentless hope for better things September 2012 Just a few things many leave out when talking about these: This stellium is not just about power and control but the fear of lacking them.The 8th House rules all things we perceive as out of our control, there's a reason those with this stellium seek as much power and influence as possible: They know what happens when one has no power. Lilith can be likened to. This year my sun is in my 8th house. I have fond memories but it isnt as bad as I thought itd be. Copyright 2005 - 2023, Lorna Tedder, The Spiritual Eclectic, Personal Excavation leads to Personal Evolution, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), A medical problem cropped up that had some dire consequences but I found metaphysical ways to deal with it. The Solar Return Tenth House begins at the apex of your chart and its where your achievements become visible. SOLAR RETURN CHART BASIC :from first house to 12 house SUN IN ( | 1ST || ) ( | 2ND || ) ( | 3RD || ) ( | 4TH || ) ( | 5TH | ) ( | 6TH | ) ( | 7TH | ) ( | 8TH | ) ( | 9TH | ) ( | 10TH | ) ( | 11TH | ) ( | 12TH | ) HOUSE Who you are does not change, but how you present yourself to others, does. She mentioned the year 2019 in her OP, which I assume means that she is cognizant that this SR is for next year. It is common to experience changes that affect every area of life. The Solar Return Third House is where you think. December 2018 I was recovering from a heartbreak that happened about 6 wks before my bday, but the year itself was rather quiet. A medical problem cropped up that had some dire consequences but I found metaphysical ways to deal with it and over the course of the year, it went away. So get out the green hair dye. The next four years can be dependent on what is established here in the 4th. August 2021 The material gained during this year will be reorganized, internalized, and contemplated when the Sun moves into the 12th from the 3rd moves to a higher state of knowing in the 12th and assists in the emergence of wisdom. also read, Example Case Study chart - Sun in the 9th house of Solar return chart. This house is where you connect and youll find public transport, cars, phones, your laptop, your contacts and a lot of gossip keeping you busy this year. So, in this Solar Return House we create and also procreate. Moon in the 8th house of Solar There is a craving for financial speculation, imprudence of behavior. The seventh house is ruled by the zodiac sign Libra and carries with it the planetary ruler, Venus. This house is the root or support system for the rest of the solar return chart. March 2023 However, its more accurate to think of the Solar Return Fifth House as the place you express yourself and develop your own interests hence its association with creativity of all kinds. They are like family to me. When having any planets in the 1st house that planet tends to have a more noticable energy. The thing is, while the planets for that day are in the same conjunctions, oppositions, squares, etc, regardless of where you are in the world, the houses can changea little bit, at leastif you travel, thereby putting a planet in a more favorable house. The strong themes are what aspects your SR chart makes with your natal planets, and whether there's a cluster of planets anywhere in your SR chart. In a chart with an emphasis on the Solar Return Seventh House there may well be romantic partnership issues, but, not all partnerships are romantic and not all close associations come decorated with hearts and flowers. If issues can, The Sun in the 4th house Solar return chart indicatesthat the individual is looking for a physical, emotional, and spiritual home: The one place in the Universe that becomes a special niche on all levels. February 2020 The woman has the danger of a stillborn baby. The Solar Return Fourth House is where we look after things so its where we cook, clean and grow things (flowers, families, ourselves) and those matters may demand significant amounts of your time and energy if your Solar Return Chart points that way. When the solar return Sun is in the 5th house , you are more apt to express your true nature. Ok, now here's my actual 2018-2019 solar year chart. You assumed wrong mr. Solar Returns: Donald Trump's Solar Return Chart 2020, Solar Returns: The Best Way To Interpret the Planets. The 8th house also represents power, secrets, sex, trust, and money. Also in this case it will be the position of other planets in your SR chart and the contemporaneity of the transit of the slow moving planets in aspect with your natal planets to make clear how to interpret this Sun in the eighth SR house, and to tell you if this money will be more incoming or outgoing. April 2019 For example, I was born February 13th with the Sun in. This is not what Im interested in. though others might try to persuade you otherwise. Approximately once every year the transiting Sun goes through the entire zodiac, every degree, minute, and second of each sign. And lets face it: for most of us, the idea of change is frightening. You meet an obligation, you realise that life is not all about you, you learn that relationships involve compromise, you have to give way to something more powerful than you and you learn to accept thats how things are in this life. The Solar Return Sixth House is, above all else, a practical house. However, because Solar Returns generate a temporary chart only lasting for one year interpreting the house positions of your planets in Solar Returns will be different from the meanings you will be familiar with from your Natal Chart. A chart is cast for that day when the Sun matches its position on the day of my birth and its like a natal (birth) chart for the entire yearyep, with planets and houses and everything. You may be kept busy by your placements in the Solar Return Third House or at least you will think so. Drop your baggage after all, thats why you came here. Transits to the 8th might suggest years of calamity and doom. Astrology and a Stellium of Planets in the 8th House Your 8th House Having a stellium in your 8th House symbolises some kind of need for cleansing and transformation in your ego, in your life's goals, in your perspective on life and others. Of course if you would prefer a professional Solar Return Chart Report Im happy to offer that service on this website. - Venus trine/conjunct Ascendant. 8th. . Im not new to the 8th house as my natal chart has 4 planets in the 8th house, but Im not looking forward to this SR. My parents are not in good health which makes me nervous about my upcoming SR. Ive also been single for many, many years so cant imagine it any other way. What makes an Eighth House Solar Return Sun so terrifying? Jupiter rules both the ascendant and the 4th house in this chart, and is conjunct the ascendant and domicile. When Venus and Jupiter are in aspect, you can either benefit directly or indirectly through the influence or assistance of another. On occasion however, placements in the Solar Return Tenth House can be an indication of marriage, if thats where you are in your life. February 2013 The 8th house is also reckoned as the house of death. Friendships, Group membership, Team Player, Social Life, Social Media, Technology, Social Conscience, Politics, Ideology, Political Activism, Idealism, Aspiration, Step Children, Profits material and otherwise. For an eclipse bday year, it really doesnt stand out to me at all. That was ages ago though. Intellectually, this is a time to gather information. - Venus in good aspect to Pluto. Your mind is more insightful and reflective during this year, and there will be times when you will see more or know more. Astrologer, Writer, Dream Analyst May 2017 Chiron in the 12th house can indicate either mental illness or psychism. Who knows? You mentioned a desire for ventures and projects that have an impact on people. September 2013 October 2014 Lilith 's placing in your solar return 'could' indicate an area. That won't always be on the exact day of your birth. Your intuition will be important for the year ahead. Their money. 5th - The changes that occur when the Solar Return Sun is in the 8th house, lead to greater creativity and self-expression when the Sun is in the 5th house. I accepted that there was little chance of escaping an Eight House Sun and instead, made plans to enjoy a quiet day at home in my garden and try not to be too afraid. The house position (and aspects) may indicate where you feel like someone is watching over you; where you always land on your feet. Solar Return Moon in the 8th House Your emotional state depends heavily on the condition of the Moon by aspect. Is that something you've been doing? This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Loss of physical sight. It sounds like you have your SR houses lined up more or less with your natal houses. I will listen to anything anyone has to say. You will find life easier if you put together what you already know, rather than take in what you find difficult to relate to. Answers to pressing questions will not come from others; answers lie within. While a lot of my old ways of thinking died and were reborn or re-focused into something even more productive, this regeneration was never a bad thing. You may have to deal with more serious issues and matters, and have to dig deep into people and situations. March 2021 Extra Considerations The solar return chart is a forecasting technique that offers an overall view of one year. January 2013 I have issues with my bad tempered, judgemental father. Death Death is probably the biggest concern when it comes to the Eighth House. This house is the ruler of all things birth, death, sex, transformation, mysteries, merged energies and bonding at the deepest level. The ruler of the 8th house is Jupiter in Libra at a critical degree, the 26th. I'll resurrect a new chart and upload when I'm off mobile. Moon in the 9th house of Solar December 2014 I admit Im nervous about doing this again! Hence this houses traditional association with power, big money, crime, sex, birth and death. - The demands of others can weigh heavily this year, especially if a family member or l, SUN IN ( | 1ST || ) ( | 2ND || ) ( | 3RD || ) ( | 4TH || ) ( | 5TH | ) ( | 6TH | ) ( | 7TH | ) ( | 8TH | ) ( | 9TH | ) ( | 10TH | ) ( | 11TH | ) ( | 12TH | ) HOUSE When the Sun is in the 6th house of Solar return , there is an emphasis on health as well as work. April 2020 An emphasis on the Solar Return Third House is often characterised by restlessness and a need to be in several places at once or do more than one thing at a time. A Solar Return Chart is a special chart for your birthday year based on where you are on the day that the Sun is in the exact place that it was on the day you were born. In the 8th house, Jupiter promotes a positive outlook and a faith in future outcomes. Regeneration If the Eighth House is about death and rebirth, then yes, there was much regeneration for me this past year. using your 6th sense about something that isn't what it appears to be. This Solar return house has a reputation for power struggles around sex, money, and morals. You dont become a different person, the persona shown by your Natal Chart is still there, however it has a temporary overlay which results from changes in how you feel about yourself during the Solar Return Year. In a year when you have a tenanted Solar Return Eleventh House, your social relationships are usually highlighted in some way. - When the Sun moves to the 10th house in two years time, roots, and personal achievements can begin to manifest in the career arena or result in major changes in the destiny path. Brainstorm: Neptune in the 8th House Astrology Use this interpretation for natal Neptune in the 8th house, transiting Neptune in the 8th house, progressed Neptune in the 8th house, or solar arc Neptune in the 8th house. Sun in the 8th House - Solar Return With the Sun falling into the Eight House during a Solar Revolution there is a need that you will have during this period to transform yourself, to elevate your existence to a higher note. Caring for others, visiting those in hospitals or even jail time is often found in the twelfth house getting away from it all is not necessarily a voluntary exercise. November 2021 Unless it is conjunct a house cusp within 1. I discovered a few health products that helped me detox and feel better than ever. The Solar Return First House is where you see yourself. Jupiter in House Eight Jupiter in the 8th House Overview: With Jupiter in the 8th house, there is an optimism and broadness of perspective with regards to crisis situations and trauma. December 2013 Solar Returns are one of the best tools of Predictive Astrology we have at our disposal. Theorist. Looked at in this way, you can see how placements in the Solar Return Eleventh House make you realise youre not alone. Settlements in partnership disputes as well as in legal and marital affairs are likely. It is common to either find yourself being manipulated in one or more of these areas, or to attempt to manipulate another. April 2015 So, in this post, Im going to give you an outline of what each house in Solar Returns means, together with the Keywords for each Solar Return House which are so useful in analysing Solar Returns. It can be considered the beginning of the angular cycle because it is here that one sets down roots, establishes a path, and sets the tone for the next four years. Maybe I WILL win the lotter after all. As an 8th house person, I can never tire of reading deeper and deeper into the analysis! Thank you. In this way, another aspect of the Solar Return Second House comes to the fore. November 2019 However, its also about your attitudes towards your resources. They regard the 8th house as the house of resurrections. November 2017 The desire to connect with others can be thwarted by a fear of being hurt and taken advantage of. Parents, Parenting, Families, Home, Houses, Land, Gardens, Nurture, Nature, Roots, Stability, Attachment, Food, Cooking, Kitchens, Lodgers, Tenants, Decorating, Repairs. Instead the small business partnership I have with my father went bankrupt and my income was cut in half. So with having your Solar Return Venus in the 1st house can mean that you may value how you look, you may tend to look really put together the majority of the year. You may also have an easier time finding out the truth. Indeed. There may be a property inheritance coming your way or the sale of a property. A more remote possibility would be an event that involves you or a loved one having to face physical death or a life-threatening illness. 1- The Ascendant of the Solar Return chart will color the individual's approach to his or her environment for the year. Also Read, Example Case Study chart - Sun in the 12th house of Solar return. So, in The Solar Return Second House, you find your material resources and also learn the skills of resourcefulness. Thanks to your comment, I think I will begin a month-by-month analysis of this 2nd 8th house sun in 4 years. So I understand. She also describes what it means for each planet to be in the Seventh House. The house position of the Solar Return Moon can show what areas of life you'll be emotionally invested in for the year. It is common to experience changes that affect every area of life. and next years, when Ill have beneficial Jupiter conjunct my 4th house cusp, I believe this may be his last. Im really looking forward to your upcoming articles on the 8th house. I just calculated my husbands solar return for his upcoming May birthday only to find that his sun, Merc, Venus and Mars are falling in his 8th house. November 2020 My understanding (and related to my own story above) is that gives you some extra oomph. Most people cant afford to fly to Europe for a better chart, anyway. Contacts, Communications, Exchanges, Language, Meetings, Email, Communications Devices, Cars, Public Transport, Mental State, Mental Flexibility, Ideas, Busy, Restlessness. 2 of the offers include thier wives whod like to have 3-somes. Or Just Not Care Enough? If you would like to know more about Solar Returns, my book on this subject is now published and can be downloaded from the Astrology bookstore on this website, in .pdf or epub format, price 4.99GBP. It fosters the union necessary to fulfill the task at hand. Theatre, Plays, Players, Games, Sport, Recreation, Creation, Creativity, Self Expression, Pleasure, Me-time, Romance, Flirtation, Enjoyment, Entertainment. October 2015 Health information is gathered through . intellectual sources and also from the body through wellness, sickness, and biological awareness. I was able to make changes in my retirement accounts before I lost major bucks in the stock market, so that part was good. Looking back over the past eleven months, I have to agree that its been an extremely important year where death, sex, secrets, other peoples money, and regeneration were all spotlighted for me. Also Read, Example Case study chart - sun in the 7th of Solar return Chart. Transactions are about give and take and thats not always easy as it provokes some fairly heavy emotional responses when you have to part with something or someone precious to you. It is where you may feel the need to present your best self, or feel self conscious, self centred, self important or self controlled. 61 people love it! What happened? So having a planet in this location can help you understand what you are here to learn, do, or accomplish when married. 64 people love it! My best solar return i had Jpiter in the 11th house, I had lots of friends and a good social life. For example, I have a packed 8th with nothing in the 5th. Short journeys those carried out in your own country rather than overseas are likely to be a feature in a year with a Solar Return Third House emphasis.